3 reasons explain why Hoodia Gordonii helps you to lose weight.
For several years there has been a boom in the adoption of Hoodia Gordonii extract as a dietary supplement that helps in effective weight loss. Hoodia Gordonii, a plant from the Kalahari Desert, is triumphantly marching around the world. The creators of the extract present it as a magic pill - eat and lose weight.Let us understand how Hoodia Gordonii acts
Does Hoodia Gordonii really work? Is it injurious to health? After analyzing various sources, the conclusion is - yes, indeed, Hoodia is safe and leads to significant results, but before you buy Hoodia Gordonii need to know some things.
Why fasting to lose weight Hoodia Gordonii helps you in losing weight?
1. Suppresses appetite.
The extract of Hoodia contains a molecule "P57", which according to the scientists, is responsible for feelings of hunger in the body. Usually the food we have eaten is converted into glucose. When your body gets enough glucose, the brain sends a signal that it is full. The molecule "p57" has a similar effect on the interaction of the brain with glucose. One of the first studies was conducted in the UK on obese patients - half of them drank Hoodia and the other half placebo. For the people who participated in the test it was not allowed to do nothing but read, watch TV and eat. After 15 days, it was noted that those who drank Hoodia reduced their daily food intake with 1000 calories. These people have lost weight despite the fact that they ate as much as they want, they simply had no appetite. Impressive, is not it?
2. Eliminated the desire to overeat, even if you are very hungry.
We all know that sometimes when we have eaten, yet we want to eat because we like the taste of the food or have experienced emotional stress, the effects of which cause improper sudden desire to eat. People taking Hoodia Gordonii proudly note that they have lost the desire to overeat. The most delicious things become unattractive after the onset of even a slight feeling of satiety. Just the food we eat for reasons caused by emotions, is responsible for weight gain, not the physical hunger. Hoodia helps you to deal with the emotional dependency on food. It should be noted, that may be true, but not for everyone. Most people, however, say that they are more easily able to manage their hunger as they take fasting to lose weight Hoodia Gordonii.
3. Reducing the excessive appetite (ie the dependence of delicious food), Hoodia Gordonii allows you to choose the direction of useful food. How many times the plans to change your eating habits have failed at the sight of your favorite dishes? Hunger is often controlled by the choice of food, and we obey him unconditionally. As you probably do not want to drink Hoodia Gordonii during all your life, you can take the advantage of this great way for transition to a healthier diet, and all this at the lowest moral losses.